About me
Livia Adia Budrys, AM, C-IAYT, SEP, LCSW
Livia is the pioneer of the Yoga-Informed Psychotherapy trainings and is dedicated to the integration of neurobiology, somatics, yoga and psychotherapy practices. She is a licensed Clinical Social Worker holding a Masters of Social Service and Administration from the University of Chicago and a Certified Yoga Therapist with the International Association of Yoga Therapists . Livia is also a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) and is an Assistant Trainer with the Somatic Training Institute teaching SE worldwide. She is clinically trained in Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), Acceptance and Change Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavioral Therapy- Prolonged Exposure (DBT-PE), Exposure and Responsive Prevention Therapy (ERP) and anti-oppressive psychodynamic psychotherapy.
Livia completed a two-year residency at the Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy where in 1999 she was initiated into the tradition of the Himalayan Masters. She has completed over a decade of advanced and therapeutic Yoga certifications along and becoming a Reiki Master in 1998. She is deeply influenced by the mindfulness trainings that she has received from Vietnamese Zen Monk, Thich Nhat Hanh.
Livia is also committed to system change work, that brings trauma-informed care from just a buzz word into organizational action. In her most recent position as a Director of Trauma Services for Insight Behavioral Health Centers and Eating Recovery Centers, she initiated a Trauma-Informed change process and consulted on trauma services. She has worked to educate healthcare administrators on the benefits of somatics and yoga-based approaches and has successfully implemented therapeutic programs, trainings and protocols that utilize cutting-edge treatment. She presents and lectures nationally on the use of body-centered interventions in the treatment of mental illness and the effects of trauma. She has enjoyed several other clinical leadership roles in inpatient settings, always with her hope to serve clients while supporting the system’s greater capacity for sustainable wellbeing.
Livia has been featured in Yoga International Magazine, Yoga Chicago, Yoga Digest.
I am a white cisgender able bodied woman. I am queer, middle-class and a first-generation American born to refugees. I am a survivor of generational trauma, medical trauma and sexual assault.