Group sessions
Humans originally lived and thrived in group community spaces for centuries, and relied on its web of support to learn and grow. Today accessing support is harder than ever, as we have to reach through distances, manage commutes and work demands that keep us separate and even isolated from the nourishment that we need. Groups give you back that essential access to support with the kind of community that has a sense of what you have been through, and in the time and space when you need it the most. I have been facilitating groups for two decades, and it continues to be the most powerful way I have found to cultivate long-lasting transformation and connection. Not only that, but the work we do together in group creates a ripple effect, infusing a droplet of new possibilities and healing into the the larger web of collective change.
“Without community, there is no liberation”
Rest your way back to wellbeing
THE UN-TRAINING RETREAT is a luxury, week-long immersion for health professionals offering daily experiences guided by seasoned psychotherapists, somatic and expressive therapists - all to support a powerful mind/body release and deep transformation. To fuel and nourish your journey, you will have daily organic chef prepared meals, yoga and meditation, community connection and joy, opportunities for exploration and adventures, fresh air and inspiring views.
Somatic Experiencing Group
Restoring Peace
This is an 8-week series that aims to increase your capacity for wellness, aliveness and connection using Somatic Experiencing® (SE) and other body-centered traditions. In this group, we will learn the psychobiological basis for toxic stress, and how the body’s hardwired survival strategies can keep you safe but also sick. We will discuss how the nervous system relates to your mental and emotional health, and practice practical tools for self-regulation in the face of adversity.
In each group I will offer psychoeducation, followed by group experientials and a discussion on how to apply this in everyday situations in your life. This group will help you develop a stronger connection to yourself through a personalized toolkit of strategies and increase your resiliency to uncover a greater aliveness. Groups are small with no more than 10 participants and are hosted over secure online video. Group meets monthly with practice suggestions for off weeks. Groups are 90 minutes long and the learning and practice is successional so it is important to commit to attending all sessions. There will be opportunities for peer-to-peer support in-between sessions.
Survivor Therapist Circle
Finding Wholeness in the Dark
This circle is for mental health providers who identify as survivors of trauma and are seeking a safe and collaborative space to rest and explore the survivor/provider dynamic. Self and “other” in our professional training is often positioned in opposition - placing our own experiences and histories at odds with who we are in service to - leading to inner conflict and impossible choices. As a result, we may find ourselves feeling alone, shame, guilt, burnout, and retraumatization, all as we navigate our own healing and care.
Groups will meet over a secure online zoom video format. Each group begins with a centering and connecting practice based on the work of Ray Castellino, followed by a brief check-in and then time to explore and share. Monthly groups will have a max of 8 participants and a suggested 6-month commitment. There will be an opportunity for peer-to-peer support in-between meetings.
Yoga-Informed Certification Programs
Yoga-Informed Psychotherapy brings together Western concepts and practices of treatment and the 5,000 year-old living tradition of Yoga that seeks to illuminate the self. Essential facets of Yoga theory and practices are interwoven with neurobiological concepts, biopsychological somatic models, and psychodynamic and behavioral traditions of psychotherapy. This 45-hour training will prepare you as a therapist to confidently utilize Yoga philosophy, psychology and practices, in a range of treatment settings and for individuals and groups. New offering: Intensive Retreat in the Blue Ridge Mountains!
Train to become a Certified Yoga-Informed Psychotherapist and join the growing community of leaders in this bourgeoning field!
Learn more: